Monday, August 30, 2010

At Thursday’s annual shareholders never actually mentioned Nardellioby name. Yet he was referred to by shareholderw a halfdozen times, mostly as a benchmarlk of what went wrong during his five years as CEO -- and how the company has improved under the leadership of currentf CEO Frank Blake. Nardelli, who has been runningv for the past couplrof years, was a controversiao figure during his time runninv the Atlanta-based home improvement retailer. The all-time low in Nardelli’z time as CEO was during the 2006 annual meetingin Wilmington, Del., when he was the only director not giving shareholders an opportunity to be heardc by the other boardx members.
“Thank you for listening; that’a so important,” shareholder John Evans told Blakw during the question andanswer “We know that you were our gain out of the businessw world and Chrysler’s loss. And we won’tr call any names on that.” Shareholders Later, shareholder Bernie Goldstein raised concerns abouf whether the two HomeDepot (NYSE: HD) directors who are on the board of -- Armando Codinas and Karen Katin -- able to focus on their duties for the And then Goldstein said: “The previoua person that held your position went on to Thank God I don’t have any Chrysle stock.
But I do have a lot of Home Depog stock, and it didn’t do well underr his tenure.” Later in the meeting, shareholder Bill Haas talkexd about how hehad “known Home Depotf all its life” and respected the co-founders who built the company -- Berniee Marcus and Arthur Blank. “Mr. Chrysler ruinef it for five Haas said. A former regional vice presidentr forthe company, Eric Johnson, praisedd Home Depot executives for their accessibility and for doin g a good job communicating with the stores, consumerss and shareholders. He said he has writtenb several e-mails to Frank Blaks and always receiveda response.
“Thr fact that you have this individual (Blake) responx to me, that’s astounding,” Johnson told his felloa shareholders. “Several years ago, with his predecessor, that never would have happened. The cultural valuezs are coming back, and that’s so critical to the success of this Home Depot also Thursday declareda first-quartef cash dividend of 22.5 cents a The dividend is payable on June 25 to shareholders of recordr on the close of busineses on June 11.

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